

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

PRodigy PR Firm- 12 Days of Service

This year I have the honor of serving as the service project leader for PRodigy Public Relations Firm. The PRodigy Public Relations Firm is a campus-based, student-run company on the campus of Florida A&M University. Each associate not only has to have a passion for public relations, but they must also be dedicated to service. Our advisor, Gina Kinchlow, always reminds us, "students need to understand that good companies practice social responsibility by giving to the communities where they are located."

After months of planning, my team and I organized "The 12 Days of Service." The idea came from one of my favorite Christmas carols, The 12 Days of Christmas.

Our service project included a can food drive in collaboration with Leon County Girl Scout Troupe 111, a campus and community wide food drive, "Feeding America" at Second Harvest, "Good luck on Final Exams" pencil giveaway, student appreciation breakfast, faculty appreciation breakfast, and ended with "Holiday Celebration at Riley Elementary" on Friday December 9th.

Words from our advisor, "JOB WELL DONE!"