

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Let go of dying relationships

I water my "lucky" bamboo plant every day at work. All three bamboo culms get the same amount of water but for some reason that one little culm is slowly dying. As a sat at my desk today and looked at my bamboo plant in frustration I started to reflect on a past relationships in my life that was dying no matter how much I showered it with my love. 

Just like my bamboo plant, I couldn't understand why this relationship was dying.

I had to have faith that God was intentionally removing this person from my life because He knew they were blocking my destiny.

I had to learn to let go.

I had to accept that there was nothing I could do to save this relationship. 

Once I accepted this the confusion and frustration I felt slowly faded, while joy and happiness took its place.  

Are you holding on to someone that God is trying to remove from your life? If you are, I hope this will help you let go

Side note: Thank God I receive my blessings from Jesus and my good fortune doesn't depend on the life of this plant!